09 December 2012

Lights and {Lack of} Heat

Hello you beautiful muffins! Hope your weekend is going wonderfully, be it in the snow, freezing cold, or beautiful sunshine!

Yes, Santa Barbara. I checked the weather. Our relationship has now become more hate than love {find out why here. If you think that's cold, click here to find out what I'm living freezing in}.

In this post is the new video, which mainly talks about the Fête des Lumières that happened this weekend, because that's the big exciting thing that's happened as of late!

Also, since it's December {and since I love Grumpy Cat so much}, I decided that every time I make a new post, I will post my favorite Grumpy Cat image at the time. You'll thank me in the near future.

You're welcome.

Be sure to subscribe to {insert social networking shindig here} to be updated on the shenanigans I get up to and to what degree France harasses me. Just click on the tab "Find Me Elsewhere" above! Or... don't. I'm indifferent to the subject almost as much as Grumpy Cat is on life.

Also, here's some more pictures I've taken lately!
Some really bad lighting out of a bad
Winter Wonderland on Rue de la République

Cathédrale St. Jean

Ferris Wheel at Place Bellecour which
I would have gone on if it didn't cost
8 goddamn euros

Flags on Pont Lafayette

Some more snow from Friday morning

À bientôt!


  1. Merci! I remain jealous. I'll bet that light show was Amazing. Way beyond the Ukiah annual parade of logging trucks decorated with lights.

  2. Once again,very nice job on the video. Looks like so much fun

    Much love to you
    <3 Mom
