So I just made a video today. I am currently patting myself on the back for keeping up with making a video at least once a week {I will count that last one and the one before that because technology just wants to see me fail but I have what it takes to prevail!} and not being lazy and putting it off until it's too late.
In this last video, I said a couple things about protests in France vs. protests in America, and I don't feel that I correctly gave either of the sides justice.
American protests obviously still happen, but 1} I haven't heard of many lately besides those of marriage equality, and 2} I'm not living there as of now so it's a bit hard to gauge what's actually happening. But there definitely is a difference between American and French protests and protesters.
The French have been protesting against authority forever. That's kind of how things work here. Rather than being born with a silver spoon, they seem to be born with a picket fence with a witty one-liner. If they don't like something the government is implementing, they want to change it. Same goes for groups of people such as farmers.
The goal of the protest was to call for better prices from supermarkets to offset the cost of production. For example, you go to the grocery store to buy some apples for a euro, but the amount earned by the farmer is 40 cents.
Fucking capitalism.
So it's kind of everywhere. But the difference is the French want to do something about it. At the same time, I personally don't believe that protests would work very well in the States. Why, you ask? Just watch the video below.
Some asshole gets all mace-happy just to spite people who stand firm on a protest against rising tuition costs in the University of California system.
Whereas in France, the people don't really take that kind of bullshit.
But don't get me wrong: the police definitely have a strong presence here. I had to wait at the crosswalk today for literally 15 minutes to wait for Poseidon knows how many police vans sped through the intersection towards the protest and the Prefecture. They're there to make sure the protest doesn't get out of hand, but they're not gonna go club an old lady just because they're feeling spiteful.
So when I made the point that I don't see a whole lot of activism going on in the States, I didn't mean to say that it doesn't happen. It does, but you have to agree it's a bit lack-luster.
Anyways, that's my rant on the protest deal. If you have any questions/comments, don't hesitate to send them my way.
Hope you lovely pumpkins have a lovely weekend and the sun shines wherever you may be!
Pssst... here's the video
À bientôt!
Stupid American cops, just macing on everybody's parades. Oh I meant "raining."