Merlin's Beard!
Poseidon's Trident!
Hammer of Thor!
Holy Interplanetary Yardstick Batman!!!
Please don't ask of me the context to which Robin was referring to, I don't want to know and you shouldn't, either {I spend too much time on the internet...}. But I have reasons to exclaim with joy! I just bought my plane ticket for August 27 to arrive on the 28, and I couldn't be more excited! I'm so happy, I'm jumping in my chair, blasting "Let's Dance to Joy Division" as I type. I feel like it's finally coming together, even though it's still pretty far off in the distance. But I'm one step closer than I was yesterday! Yay for traveling!
So the flight has two stops: one in New York for about two and a half hours, and then in Brussels, Belgium for about an hour and a half. I was trying to find a flight with a layover in London for a few hours, but I don't have much room to be picky because prices for plane tickets are outlandish. Another thing: I'm going to be exhausted by the time I get off that plane on a count of it being about an 18-hour flight. It could most definitely be worse, but after that I've got to get my heavy bags {I'm packing for the year, people} to the tramway so I can actually get to the hotel where I'll be staying that night. So since my flight leaves at about 7:00 am, and it's an 18-hour flight, I'm required to be awake until 1:00 am PST. But when I arrive, it will be about 11:00 am in Lyon, France. This means I've got to stay awake for the rest of that day as well. So yay for me. That means I get to stay awake for a total of about 30-32 hours. Yay... for traveling?
I'll never be able to sleep properly again.
But I'm beyond excited that I've now got the ticket, because it seems more of a reality to me now rather than just an idea of, "Hey, you know what? I think I'll got to France next year. Could be fun." Now all that's left for me to do {in the States} is to go to my visa appointment on July 3 {farther away than I'd like it to be, but I can't really do anything about that} and patiently wait to hear back from CampusFrance. Patiently.
I've just started to count down the days; who in the right mind thinks I'm going to be patient with time? And, if you were wondering, it's 94 Days. That's too far away. Maybe I shouldn't have thought of counting down. Or maybe I should count down to something closer in the near future. Like the visa appointment. That's 32 days away. I can barely deal with that, even if that were my flight date. But until then, I'll be jumping in my chair, waiting for my flight to finally depart. Hell, I'll probably be in the terminal jumping in my seat.
Speaking of airports, this is the perfect time to tell you all about my brilliant plan {that I stole from Dane Cook [who probably stole from an actual comedian] about 5 years ago} regarding a massively hilarious prank, along with another one inspired by the hilarious Ellen DeGeneres. I've always wanted to do these, and now that I have a reason to be in an airport, I can fulfill my dreams!
The first one is to go up to unsuspecting people in the terminal {or just around the airport} and just start dancing behind them. Like crazy dance. Since I'll be traveling alone, I'm going to have to find someone willing to hold a camera as I do this, so I have proof. If this plan is a success, the evidence will most definitely go up on this blog. And now, the ultimate prank {almost}.
When you're in the terminal, walk up to someone and sit there for a couple of seconds. When they look up at you, simply say, "Don't get on the flight" in an all-knowing, quiet voice.
However, with my luck, the person I end up choosing to say these words to will be an overly paranoid middle-aged man who thinks all Middle-Eastern people are terrorists and report me. But hey, I'm willing to take that chance! I mean, does it look like I'd smuggle in a bomb? Wow. I really shouldn't be talking about this. I'm almost positive that all sense of humor was banned from airports along with a person's right to privacy.
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Happy Friday to you all!
À bientôt!
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