06 May 2013

What the Eff It's Already May.

First of all I would like to announce that if you go to France during mosquito season {which is basically whenever the goddamn sun shines}, you should know that they are immune to citronella candles. I don't even know how many bites I have at this point, but I keep my window closed as soon as the sun sets and they STILL FIND A WAY TO DRINK MY BLOOD THOSE TINY FUCKING VAMPIRES.

Moving on. 

I'm basically home free as far as classes go! Just one more final and I am finished with my French academic career. Then I'll have over a month to, uh...

I promise to find something to do in that time other than twiddle my thumbs. I've all the time in the world, but won't have enough money to travel all the places I want to go!

And I may be off base, but I think that's where a job {or a fuckton of babysitting} comes in.

So it will be my goal within the next week or so to land something decent with decent pay so I can go somewhere decent!

Yay for decency!

Anywhoo, I think that's all for me for the time being. I'll try to make my life more interesting between now and the next time I make a video for the sake of not boring everyone to death. In the meantime, enjoy this picture of a naked Furby in case you didn't find them to be the spawn of Satan before.

Finally, here's the new vlog:

À bientôt!