Hello, you precious cupcakes! So lately, I've been so bored because ever since I got back from Germany, because the obligation of class hasn't really been present {and won't be until the beginning of next week}.
Now normally, this void would be filled with the internet, which it has... I'm now familiar with it more than I care to be. But my time spent on the internet lacks one very important element: THE FACEBOOK {bum bumm bummmmmm}.
It was a few months ago when I said I'd deleted my Facebook for the main reason that it scared the shit out of me knowing that anyone could stalk me without my knowledge. And honestly, it shouldn't scare you unless you've information on the internet that you wouldn't want anyone else finding out. It's just that I like to keep my life personal, and share the things I want with others on my own time. Facebook makes this particularly difficult.
So, for my New Year's resolution, I told myself that at the end of January, I will re-activate my Facebook. I now have had a strong urge to break this resolution lately, and bring the monster back to life. Here are my reasons for coming back to the site:
1) It is impossible to keep in touch with everyone, because there are about 39,098,193,984 ways to keep in contact with people so they all use different modes of communication. Facebook makes it so much easier because everyone is on one site.
2) When I see something/go somewhere, I have to put up all the pictures I take on my Blogger website; this takes a REALLY long time to upload all the pictures. For some reason, it's fairly quick on Facebook.
3) I'm falling behind on my friends news {aka, I can't stalk people anymore}. NO, it's not a double standard. It's just that I use my powers for good rather than evil.
4) There is no number 4.
5) I already re-activated it, so there's nothing you or I can do about it.
But I have to say, it was nice to be off the grid.
Anyway, this break has been not particularly intriguing which is why you haven't heard much from me. But this long break made me realize I'm not going to be in France forever, so I better make the minutes count.
When I first arrived, I had the feeling that I was going to stay here forever, even though I knew there was an end. It was just the mindset that, "I have all the time in the world, so I don't have to worry about how much I have left"... Well now I do.
Half of my time has already passed, and I have no fucking clue where it all went. I traveled and got to see a lot of amazing things, but the rest? What happened?
It also made me realize I left a different life back in California. This time here has been a dream, and this dream has an expiration date. It's a pretty shit way to look at it, but there's no point in sugar-coating it.
But the good part is I get to go back home to this:
I've realized that lately I've REALLY missed the small comforts of home. Mainly Mexican food. And living on the beach (which not everyone in California is capable of, just to be very/stupidly clear). And large dogs. These little shits that should be called rats aren't cutting it.
Welp, that's all for me right now; I hope to make the next post a video because I haven't done one in a while. And I have all the time in the world to make another one, so I have no excuses. Until then enjoy the new(ish) year!
À bientôt!