Things here escalated quickly! My schedule went from "Twiddle thumbs for 2 hours, then maybe do some laundry", to "You will never ever get a break again in your entire life". I've literally been busy since last Monday with reading, teaching, classing {it flows better, okay?}, hosting, socializing, studying, and alllll that good stuff. But I shall not fail in continuing to post at least once a month!
When I first finalized my schedule, I didn't know I would later add more classes to it. So here it is: I'm currently taking on 27 units.
Yap. 27 of those bad boys.
I still can't wrap my head around this; that's 7 classes total this semester. I mean, if I'm this busy right now, how will I feel during finals in January? I have a feeling I won't have time to feel anything soon enough. I may just have to cut sleep out of my schedule altogether come finals week. But that's the fun part about school, it never fucking ends!... Wait.
But besides that, everything is smooth sailing! I realize that in this blog I haven't really talked much about Lyon itself, so I'd like to take some time to talk about it; you know, a bit of history {so I can actually apply some of what I've learned}, cultural norms, usual nights out, and all the fun European stuff you're missing out on! {Sorry about that; if you're really hurt about it, come visit!}
Not long after my arrival here, I realized that English is high in demand, and practically every parent wants their kid to be speaking it. What else was I supposed to do but take advantage of this opportunity? I am currently teaching 3 kids total on two separate occasions; one I just have normal conversation with, and the other two I actually teach them vocabulary and grammar {this also showed me how hard English is. I knew it was hard, but try teaching it to anyone else who doesn't speak it. Goddamn}. This also made me realize how high in demand English is in the business world, and the immense pressure it puts on kids to learn it in order for them to have successful careers 20 years down the line. It's just absolutely insane. So the next time you're complaining about how your job search isn't going very well, remember: at least you know English; that's half of the battle right there.
... Yeah, I kind of don't want to talk about that one either. I'll do a blog specifically dedicated to this one, I promise. There's lots to be learned in this area {for some reason, I get the feeling that one will be the less popular than usual}.
Moving on!
Certain cultural norms here are awesome. For example, the French love their long lunch hours to enjoy their food, talk with friends, and just take a good break from work to come back with more motivation. But others... others I could easily live without. Sometimes I just don't understand how people feel comfortable here. I mean, the guys, yeah sure, whatever. But that's because they don't have a vagina. Seriously, if I have to deal with another overzealous doucher asking for a date to McDonalds I will have a BF {Don't understand the reference? Click here}.
I could have a 3 foot-long beard complete with a monocle, a cane, saggy boobs and wear crocs and guys would still come hit on me because I'm female. It's gross.
At this point in this post I'd like to make a shout out to my girlfriends back home: come visit beautiful, charming, care-free Lyon! Just focus on the long afternoon breaks you'll get, and not the creepy guys in tracksuits cat-calling you.
But if you {like 98% of the population out there} can't make it out here on a count of work, cash flow, or motivation, I can do my best to bring a weekend in Lyon to you!
Like all places, the weekend/night life here varies depending on visitors, weather, and if there's any city-wide functions going on. But really, mostly the weather. Usually at night it's the choice between four options: 1) pub, 2) night club, 3) péniches {boat bars} or 4) wine bar. I have to say, I am most comfortable with a good pub whilst being around friends, but I have gone to the other three a couple times. I admit to always telling myself I'll want to go to a club when the weekend comes around, but then I realize that I'm already in my slippers, drinking tea, basically practicing to be an old lady. And I'm perfectly happy with that. But then there's those accidental nights.
What I mean is some nights you go out for a single measly drink with some friends, looking forward to a chilled-out night, only to find yourself dancing on a strip pole {tables as well, but that wasn't until after I realized I didn't want a stripping/pole dancing future}, making out with a French Rob Pattinson, and drinking some 700 euro bottles of vodka out of wine glasses like 3 hours later. Shit happens.
But life goes by so quickly; I'm already 20 and I've almost no clue what I've done to make a difference in the lives of those I know, let alone a difference in the world. I mean, by the end of the line I would like to be able to say what I've accomplished and have a pissing contest against others about how good of a person I was and all that crap. But I would love more than anything to say that I actually lived my life that I was given, and that I wouldn't take back a single second of it. If I'm a terrible person for pursuing my happiness and well being, sue me {or, "dislike me strongly" for you non-Americans who aren't sue-happy}. But I think that's what our purpose is in life: to keep ourselves happy, and to impact the lives of others that will want to make them go and help someone who's down and out as well.
I hope this gives some kind of insight to what's usual {and-not-so-usual} here; when I think of more, it will definitely be on here along with that post on the history, which I find to be really interesting in how it integrates into daily life {la vie quotidienne} here. Hope everyone's week is going just swell, and not filled with 0°C snowy/windy weather {unlike my near future}.
À bientôt!